Behind the Insta-Scenes: Photos from the Set

4 Mar

Guest stars, saying goodbye, a premiere date for one of our favorite shows and more behind-the-scenes action in this midweek TV Instagram roundup.


The answer to “Where is Clyde?” is quite easy this week.


It turns out that people don’t hate laughing as the numbers for Last Man on Earth’s debut are rather good. Hopefully it continues this way as I enjoyed the heck out of these first two episodes and Will Forte is still a dreamboat even with the super grizzly beard (his beard level in the photo above is pretty great).


On Monday Netflix announced when season 3 of Orange is the New Black will be available (June 12) allowing us to plan ahead and book the day off work. The cast of OITNB has a huge presence on Instagram and Dascha Polanco went for this cute inventive way to announce this date.


Slightly less artistic but still getting the message across is Laura Prepon with hashtags at the ready. And the bonus news for Alex/Piper fans – or anyone who watches the show really – is that Larry will not be showing up.


LAURA DERN IS MINDY’S OB/GYN?! Yeah I’m pretty excited about this and the guest stars on The Mindy Project this season have been A+ (which is why so many of them have featured in this column).


There is so much bad photoshop used on both TV and in movies when it comes to splicing two photographs together and it has a habit of taking you out of the moment (see also using promo photos for what are supposed to be framed family shots and The Americans triumphs in this area by not doing this). Not so on Looking and I totally believe that this is a photo of Doris and Dom from their teen years and not two separate photos of Lauren Weedman and Murray Bartlett. Dom + Doris = ❤


This episode (and season) of Looking is fantastic and so here is bonus dudes being all adorable photo.


Yep Damon Wayans Jr. is leaving New Girl and I agree with Hannah Simone. I also think this might be another jumpsuit I might like.

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