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Getting a Divorce with Sarah Jessica Parker: Watch the First Long Tease

23 Jun

Middle fingers are raised in the first long teaser for Sarah Jessica Parker’s new HBO show Divorce and I’m looking forward to this for a number of reasons. Catastrophe star and co-creator Sharon Horgan is the creative force behind this new SJP venture; this alone makes this a highly anticipated project as Catastrophe has taken the relationship comedy and exploration of parenting to new heights. SJP and costuming is another box ticker and forget the mess that was the Sex and the City movies as the show is iconic when it comes to fashion on TV.

Divorce looks like it was shot over winter and this means coats, glorious coats and the first image HBO released does look like it could be a still from SATC.SJPSwitching out New York for the countryside, dating for divorce and brunch for dinner parties and the new Divorce teaser is here to set aside some of the SATC comparisons. Plus it looks like there will be teens and tweens if this other promo photo is anything to go by (and more coats).Divorce

Watch the teaser below and be warned there are mustache opinions.

Divorce premieres in the fall.

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