Tatiana Maslany Talks Awards, Filming Clone Scenes and Orphan Black Season 3

10 Feb

Obviously we are very deep into movie award season – red carpet posts dominate TV Ate My Wardrobe at this point – and while TV accolades are pretty much done until the Emmys at the end of the summer we want to share this delightful Gold Derby interview with Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany, which took place a few weeks ago just prior to the SAG Awards.

This interview is perfect lunch break length and covers a number of topics including the various awards she has and hasn’t been nominated for. The lack of Emmy nomination outrage also comes up and Maslany invokes Amy Poehler’s pudding metaphor from Say Yes. These interviews take place across the internet waves via Google Hangout and there is an intimacy to them (as well as the odd technical bump) despite interviewer and subject being in different locations and it is one reason why we have shared several Gold Derby interviews in the past (including Josh Charles and Keri Russell). I am also a little bit obsessed with Tatiana Maslany’s mass of hair which is invoking all the Felicity related feelings.

Tatiana MaslanyIn terms of season 3 Maslany doesn’t go into too much detail offering up vague hints including the ominous sounding estranged relationships between the clones and how some will falter while others will be strong enough to withstand the conflict they face. She also discusses how the male clone story which was introduced last year allows them to explore more aspects of nature versus nurture from the other side of the coin as well as the sprawling conspiracy. Plus it gives her more time off. Some of the filming process is highlighted and Maslany is quick to point out how valuable her clone double Kathryn Alexandre is. The big dance sequence from the season 2 finale is referenced and as they become more comfortable with the technical side of filming they are “challenging the limits of the format” even more in season 3.

After doing a brief stint on Parks and Recreation back in season 5 (which Maslany speaks of with immense fondness) she is asked which current TV shows she would like to appear on and they are all TV Ate My Wardrobe favorites including Broad City; Tatiana Maslany is “crazy about those girls.”

Orphan Black returns Saturday, April 18 and I cannot wait.

One Response to “Tatiana Maslany Talks Awards, Filming Clone Scenes and Orphan Black Season 3”


  1. Tatiana Maslany Covers Flare and a New Orphan Black Season 3 Promo | TV Ate My Wardrobe - March 3, 2015

    […] lack of Emmy nomination caused outrage, but not every awards body is making the same mistake and on Sunday Tatiana Maslany […]

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