The Wish List: Electric Animal Prints on The Mindy Project

5 Nov

Mindy Lahiri hasn’t met a pattern* she doesn’t like and it is one of the reasons why TV Ate My Wardrobe loves the costume design on The Mindy Project. Before the start of season 3 we gave Mindy the Fantasy Costuming treatment and The focus was on both clashing prints and bold color featuring outfits for the office, dates and lounging around.

One such item for a days off is the Kate Spade New York ‘Cyber Cheetah’ sweater in emperor blue and while we picked the right design, Mindy went for the more work appropriate ‘Cyber Cheetah Dawson‘ dress version in the same color from this collection. Pairing it with a leather jacket gives it an edge and the matching thin blue headband adds a simple touch of femininity without going full Blair Waldorf hair accessorizing.

*The Cut has produced an extensive rundown of the “100 Most Insane Patterns on The Mindy Project in Order of Insanity” that is well worth checking out. 

The Mindy Project 3.06 blue dressPlus bonus Danny in short shorts running towards Mindy in the background. There is disconnect between them at this moment in “Caramel Princess Time” due to a difference in how they view punctuality, but the matching blues shows some symmetry.

2 Responses to “The Wish List: Electric Animal Prints on The Mindy Project”


  1. Good News/Bad News for The Mindy Project | TV Ate My Wardrobe - May 7, 2015

    […] parenthood). Plus where else are we going to see so many colorful and pattern clashing incredible outfits?! I need my Mindy fashion […]

  2. The Wish List: Mindy’s Star Jumpsuit | TV Ate My Wardrobe - August 11, 2015

    […] Mindy Project is a Wish List staple so expect plenty more costume chat and where to buy them from in the coming […]

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